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Why does grout get discolored?

There are many causes of grout discoloration. In general, it tends to take on a brownish hue over time, hard to remove with regular floor cleaning. Grout is a porous material, so it absorbs the dirt and water that touches it. As many people do, you probably use a bucket of water and some cleaning solution to mop the entire floor. As the water gets dirtier and you keep moving the mop across the floor, you are inadvertently allowing that dirty water to seep into the porous material of the grout. Once that water is allowed to dry, these dirty particles will become embedded in the grout due to a ritual that was actually supposed to clean it out.

In other cases, such as in shower floors, the fact that they remain wet after anyone takes a shower makes them excellent breeding grounds for mold and mildew that find the material of the grout an ideal place to grow and multiply.

What is the best way to clean grout?

At Perma Treat, we have had to deal with grout that has broken down over time due to improper grout cleaning methods. You don’t want to have to regrout your entire floor if you can avoid it. That is why it is so important to call a professional to have your grout cleaned.

To get the best results, we use a steam application at just the right temperature and pressure for your particular grout. Directing a blast of steam to the grout, particularly to spots where discoloration is evident, will expel bacteria, germs, and dirt particles that have been ground into the porous surface of the grout. We are proud to share that our grout cleaning process is safe for all types of tile, leaving grout intact and looking like new.

How long after cleaning and sealing before I can use the surface?

We generally recommend waiting at least 6 hours to allow the floor to dry completely and the sealer to set. If no sealer has been applied, you can walk on your floors as soon as we leave.