Tile Cleaning Service
in Bend, Oregon
Perma Treat of Bend, OR has been providing professional tile cleaning services, grout cleaning services, and other hard surface deep cleaning and sealing services since 2014.
Perma Treat was born from the idea that sealing hard surfaces shouldn’t result in short-term protection and long-term dirt and discoloration. Sealing should be a more permanent solution for such a large investment.
Manufacturers of the typical sealants found in your local hardware store have a vested interest in your repeat business. They want you to keep coming back, so they sell sealants that require reapplication every year. You have to keep coming back to reapply sealant that just doesn’t last.
At Perma Treat, we found a better way! Perma Treat’s proprietary sealer is more than just a topcoat. Our sealer uses nanotechnology, which works on a molecular level to penetrate the stone surface.
After seeing the results of this technology for ourselves, we went to work to develop our sealant product now known as PERMA TREAT – a solution to assist with the cleaning difficulties faced by owners of hard surfaces. Dirt and grime are unavoidable, but PERMA TREAT can make your surfaces so much easier to keep clean.
Looking for the perfect tile cleaning service? Need your tile grout cleaned? We have you covered! Kill germs and protect your family today.
We specialize in cleaning, staining, and permanently sealing any man made or natural stone/hard surface, including:
- Ceramic
- Concrete
- Flagstone
- Granite
- Grout
- Travertine
- Limestone
- Marble
- Pavers
- Piedrafina
- Porcelain
- Quartz
- Quartzite
- Sandstone
- Slate
- Tile
Residential or Commercial:
Types of Areas We Can Clean, Treat, and Seal:
- Backsplashes
- Countertops
- Decks / Pool Decks
- Driveways
- Kitchens
- Exterior Entrance Ways
- Restrooms
- Fireplaces
- Flooring
- Garage Floors
- Patios
- Bathrooms
- Interior Entryways
- Showroom Flooring
- Showers
- Sidewalks / Walkways
- Walls
- Flooring
- Outdoor Living Spaces
- Warehouse Flooring
- Residential or
Commercial Properties
See Us In Action: Watch Our Video
Why Use Perma Treat for
Your Tile and Grout Cleaning Services?
Perma Treat Tile Cleaning Service of Bend provides high-quality tile cleaning, grout cleaning and sealing services that leave your tiles looking brand new, with a glossy finish that will last for years to come.
We use the highest grade, green cleaners and sealers available. These cleaning solutions are powerful enough to remove tough stains and dirt, but still gentle enough to protect your tiles from damage.
Perma Treat offers competitive prices that are typically lower than those offered by other local competitors including those offered by big box stores.
With expert professional service and excellent customer care coupled with affordable rates—you won’t find another company as committed as this us when it comes to keeping your home’s tile and hard surfaces looking spotless!
Get Started Today
Locate a Perma Treat professional in your area to schedule a Free Consultation assessment of your indoor or outdoor hard surfaces and No Obligation Quote.
Questions? Contact Us Online
Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible and further evaluate your needs. We take pride in a fast response.